Car purchasing has become expensive. The long term car rental or mortgage payment may only exceed one’s car payment without mentioning other expenses that you incur in the entire period like the cost of the gas, maintenance, insurance and the other things that accompany the automobile ownership.

However, some efforts have been put in place to ensure that you can comfortably save some money or make money because of the new technologies and car sharing options that have been realized in the recent past, which help ease your monthly expenses.

Save on Repair Costs

There are latest apps like the OBD Auto Doctor, Carmen, which are meant to give statistics, analyze the driving performance as well as insights. These applications are mainly used to ensure that you better understand your car’s inner workings. They are merely synced up with the Carmen system of your vehicle to help in discovering any problem that may arise with your ride. They can deliver real data for instance if your ominous light pops on.

It is therefore easy for you to share the exact data to a technician should something goes awry instead of just heading to a repair shop without any information about what had happened to your vehicle. This gives you confidence as well as saving your time while trying to find out the main problem; it also does away with the fears of being deceived for “other’’ repairs because of the presence of little knowledge about what might have happened.

Setup is seamless for those vehicles that are equipped with the Bluetooth or Wi-fi, in the case of those vehicles which have stayed quite long they require the installation of a low-cost adapter which is small. The adapter to release your car’s data plugs into the port of just about any vehicle.

Save on Gas Money

The drop in gas every year for Americans ranges averagely between $1000 and $3000. It is rare to find the one that is lowly charged near your locality. But in this modern era, apps have emerged that will help you scan through your surroundings and find fuel at affordable rates in real time.

The technology is usually driven by people who update the database of the app at the moment the price falls. It is ideal for both those on road trips and the local travel since users are situated across Canada and the U.S. You should consider making your money for gas go further from Esurance with Fuelcaster. This will help let you know whether the prices for gas in your locality are expected to either fall or rise.

Car sharing

Long time back it was a sign of freedom by owning a car. This has become less appealing with time as more youngsters have migrated to big cities where there is less parking, where there is better public transportation, and where there is more traffic. Peer to peer carsharing is a new model of ownership that has evolved for those city dwellers with wheels to spare.

Car sharing usually allows car owners to lend out their cars for a specific period. The period to lend can either be an hour long or even a whole day. But how does really this work? The invented app is used to find the nearest vehicle or maybe finding a particular model. You then go a step ahead and scan the membership card you have over the windshield. You will now be ready to take off since the keys will be already in and boom.

The act of sharing your wheel is such an effective way for an individual to earn some additional coins when it is not in use. The rates that are charged are usually determined by either minute, hours it will be made into use, days and even miles but then, however, this is running a risk of letting someone you don’t know to move around with your vehicle. Before considering this option, you should do thorough research to let you decide if it is the best option to go with. You should check on some popular apps such as Avis to know whether it is such an excellent option to consider.

Ridesharing and driving continue to evolve as a technology; there is a change in the way people are moving from one point to another. It seemed unique having a complete stranger drive you the whole day that was before the introduction of smartphones. It has, however, become an everyday occurrence due to the presence ride-sharing applications that have gained a lot of popularity. It is more common than a taxi. According to Mckinsey, by twenty thirty, approximately ten percent of the vehicles for sale will be shared vehicles.

This concept despite the fact that it is new has gained popularity. One of the biggest being flexibility since owners get control due to Ridesharing. They can drive whenever they feel like and go on trips to the neighborhood or any other place that they may wish to. If you want to make some extra cash, ensure you take ridesharing as your best option to boost your monthly budget.


Above are all the ways you can apply to save you on car expenses today. You can save big on your expenses by taking advantage of the latest Smartphone technology. You are likely to earn some more cash if you are more open to car sharing. You are likely to lower your car payment as technology and sharing continue to evolve with new and innovative ways. At the end of the day, should you need any short term or low-income loan service, you can always approach MoneyIQ list of updated money lenders available for you.

Published On: May 11th, 2018

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